Degital Design and Computer Organization | BCS302 | Module-01 | Imoportant Question Bank |
- Define Binary Logic and explain its significance in digital design.
- State and prove the Idempotent Law in Boolean Algebra.
- What is the purpose of the XOR gate? Provide a truth table and its Boolean expression.
- Explain the De Morgan's Theorem and its applications in digital circuit design.
- Convert the following Boolean expression to its simplified form using Boolean algebra laws: F(A,B,C)=AB+AC+BC
- Describe the operation of an AND gate. Provide a truth table and its logic symbol.
- Implement a 2-input XOR gate using only NAND gates. Draw the circuit diagram.
- Explain the concept of a multiplexer. Provide a truth table and explain its functionality.
- Differentiate between a half-adder and a full-adder. Provide truth tables for both.
- Discuss the Map Method for simplifying Boolean expressions. Apply it to simplify the expression: F(A,B,C,D)=?(0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,14,15)
- Using the Karnaugh Map, minimize the Boolean function:)F(A,B,C)=?(0,2,4,5,7)
- Describe the universal property of NAND gates. How can you implement any logic function using only NAND gates?
- Implement an AND gate using only NOR gates. Draw the circuit diagram.
- Describe the universal property of NAND gates. How can you implement any logic function using only NAND gates?
- Implement an AND gate using only NOR gates. Draw the circuit diagram.
- Define binary logic and explain its significance in digital design.
- List and explain the basic theorems of Boolean algebra.
- Show how De Morgan's laws can be applied to simplify Boolean expressions.
- Simplify the Boolean expression: F=A?B+AB?C+ABC?.
- Define a Boolean function. Provide an example and its truth table.
- Explain the operations of the basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT) and their symbols.
- Implement the Boolean expression F=A?B+AC using only AND, OR, and NOT gates.
- Describe the map method for simplifying Boolean expressions. Provide an example.
- Draw the four-variable Karnaugh map for the expression F=?(0,1,2,3,7,11,15) and simplify it.
- Provide a brief introduction to Verilog and its significance in digital design.
- Write a Verilog model for a 2-input AND gate.
- Explain the role of modules in Verilog and how they facilitate hierarchical design.
- Describe the simulation and synthesis aspects of Verilog in the context of hardware design.
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