Degital Design and Computer Organization | BCS302 | Module-01 | Imoportant Question Bank | 

  1. Define Binary Logic and explain its significance in digital design.
  2. State and prove the Idempotent Law in Boolean Algebra.
  3. What is the purpose of the XOR gate? Provide a truth table and its Boolean expression.
  4. Explain the De Morgan's Theorem and its applications in digital circuit design.
  5. Convert the following Boolean expression to its simplified form using Boolean algebra laws: F(A,B,C)=AB+AC+BC
  6. Describe the operation of an AND gate. Provide a truth table and its logic symbol.
  7. Implement a 2-input XOR gate using only NAND gates. Draw the circuit diagram.
  8. Explain the concept of a multiplexer. Provide a truth table and explain its functionality.
  9. Differentiate between a half-adder and a full-adder. Provide truth tables for both.
  10. Discuss the Map Method for simplifying Boolean expressions. Apply it to simplify the expression: F(A,B,C,D)=?(0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,14,15)
  11. Using the Karnaugh Map, minimize the Boolean function:)F(A,B,C)=?(0,2,4,5,7)
  12. Describe the universal property of NAND gates. How can you implement any logic function using only NAND gates?
  13. Implement an AND gate using only NOR gates. Draw the circuit diagram.
  14. Describe the universal property of NAND gates. How can you implement any logic function using only NAND gates?
  15. Implement an AND gate using only NOR gates. Draw the circuit diagram.
  16. Define binary logic and explain its significance in digital design.
  17. List and explain the basic theorems of Boolean algebra.
  18. Show how De Morgan's laws can be applied to simplify Boolean expressions.
  19. Simplify the Boolean expression: F=A?B+AB?C+ABC?.
  20. Define a Boolean function. Provide an example and its truth table.
  21. Explain the operations of the basic logic gates (AND, OR, NOT) and their symbols.
  22. Implement the Boolean expression F=A?B+AC using only AND, OR, and NOT gates.
  23. Describe the map method for simplifying Boolean expressions. Provide an example.
  24. Draw the four-variable Karnaugh map for the expression F=?(0,1,2,3,7,11,15) and simplify it.
  25. Provide a brief introduction to Verilog and its significance in digital design.
  26. Write a Verilog model for a 2-input AND gate.
  27. Explain the role of modules in Verilog and how they facilitate hierarchical design.
  28. Describe the simulation and synthesis aspects of Verilog in the context of hardware design.


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