If you're a Computer Science student in your 5th semester and looking for a practical mini project to showcase your skills, you're in the right place. In this post, we’ll guide you through building a URL Shortener using Django. This project is simple, functional, and perfect for the 2022 scheme!

Project Overview

A URL Shortener is a web application that takes long URLs and generates a shorter version that redirects users to the original link. This project mimics popular services like Bit.ly or TinyURL but is built from scratch using Django.

Why Choose a URL Shortener as a Mini Project?

  • Real-World Application: URL shorteners are widely used on social media, email campaigns, and marketing links.
  • Simplicity with Depth: The project is simple to understand but covers essential Django concepts like models, views, and routing.
  • Learning Opportunity: You’ll get hands-on experience working with databases, form handling, and URL routing.

Key Features

  1. Generate Short URLs: Users can input long URLs, and the application generates a unique shortened link.
  2. URL Redirection: The shortened URL will redirect users to the original, long URL.
  3. Database Management: Store both long and short URLs in the database.



How to download Project with Source Code.

How to Download Project with Source Code on your computer. Contact our Organization or Message me on

Full Project ( Only Report Extra Cost)  and Setup 

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